Moon Rock or Moron Rock

This is from day 5 of The Last Supper on the Moon • Devotional. Link at bottom too.

Rock[s] of Ages

I touched the moon once. It was a part of a hands-on exhibit at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida in 2014. Near the end of the tour, just before you exited through the gift shop, there was a display where you could reach your hand into the little hole in the plexiglass and touch a lunar sample brought back from Apollo 17. The germaphobe in me told me not to, but the part of me who loves history said yes. To have my hand on a piece of another world? Amazing. I would normally say I’ll never wash my hands again, but I couldn’t wash my hand fast enough.

Quarantine is a way of life for NASA. In all the years astronauts have been going on missions, they have endured isolation in the weeks before launch. No one wants to be sick in space. The only way to keep that from happening is to endure total isolation in the days before the launch—also known as the day of “lighting the candle.”

For most of us, before 2020, quarantine was something from the history books. People were quarantined during the dark days of the plague or when traveling on ships where scarlet fever broke out. Now it is something we all have memories of. Memories that are a little too fresh. After sheltering in place, some of us discovered firsthand why solitary confinement is a punishment in prison.

Apollo 11 was the first mission where the astronauts had to quarantine before and after the mission. The former because of concern over earthbound infections like the 1968 flu pandemic. The latter because of fear that some moon-borne alien plague would smuggle its way back with the astronauts in the dust on their spacesuits or ship and unleash an apocalypse on the earth through a lunar virus that medicine had no answer for.

The measures in place for recovery when Columbia splashed down were stunning. When Navy frogmen jumped into the ocean from a helicopter, they secured a rubber inflatable ring—a giant version of the kind a child would play with in the pool—around the ship so it couldn’t sink, then inflated two rafts. One designated frogman carefully opened the door and threw in suits the three astronauts put on to cover all potential germs, and then they got into the raft with him. He then sprayed them down from head to foot. He also made his way around the charred vessel as it bobbed like a cork in the ocean and sprayed it down as well. Then and only then were they ferried into the aircraft carrier and hoisted aboard. On the ship was an Airstream travel trailer. They entered the camper, and the door was sealed.

The three astronauts, still inside the trailer, were then transported to Hawaii, where the Airstream was loaded onto a plane to Houston. From there, their isolation chamber was transferred to a secure, sealed facility that had been carefully built for them. For three weeks, they, and the forty-seven-and-a-half pounds of moon rocks they brought home with them, were studied by a team of surgeons who had to make sure no diseases had stowed away with them.

When the sand in their quarantine hourglass ran out after twenty-one days, they were able to come out. They had a clean bill of health—no alien bacteria. It was then the moon rocks had their moment to shine.

People stood in lines wrapped around buildings just to get a glimpse of these rocks. They were spoils from the cosmic war, and everyone wanted to see them with their own eyes.

Many, many counterfeit moon rocks have been sold over the years—especially right after the initial moonshot. In 2009, while doing some testing, the national museum of the Netherlands discovered a moon rock—one of its most prized possessions—wasn’t from the moon and wasn’t even a rock. It was petrified wood, likely from Arizona. For forty years, that piece of Southwestern wood sat next to a plaque boasting it was brought back by Apollo 11. The little plaque said “moon rock,” but all they had was overpriced petrified wood.

How many people had come to see what they believed was the real thing, only to be disappointed when they realized it was fake? How many things in this life have you grabbed hold of, thinking it was the real deal, only to be disappointed?

There is only ONE thing, ONE PERSON, in this life that is true and everlasting and never-changing—Jesus Christ.

He is the one true God, the Rock of Ages.

Trust me, he’s real, and he’s waiting for you.

All you need to do is what I did that day in Florida when I touched the moon: reach out. Only you must reach out and touch a far greater and far older rock—the Rock of Ages.

After that you have no need to wash your hand because Christ cleanses the whole soul.


When did you first come to know about Jesus Christ?

Have you accepted him as your Savior? Describe the experience.


Father God, I declare you are the Rock of Ages, and I am grateful that I can reach out and touch you.

We just finished day 5 of the 5 day @YouVersion plan ‘The Last Supper on the Moon’. Check it out here:

Dark Side Of The Moon.

Many can say they have heard the dark side of the moon but only a few have seen it.

For those who haven’t heard, The band Pink Floyd has a recorded album called, “The Dark Side Of The Moon”.

This post are taken from a reading called, ‘The Last Supper on the Moon‘ (Link at end)

Did you know you have only ever seen one side of the moon? Though it orbits around the earth, the same side faces us the whole time. It technically does rotate on its twenty-seven-day journey around our planet, but because it is tidally locked to earth, it manages to keep its rear away from us at all times. Scientists call this synchronous rotation. Like a servant before a king, the moon never turns its back on us.

What is called “the far side of the moon” or “the dark side of the moon” is always hidden. Humans laid eyes on it for the first time during Apollo 8. This side of the moon is pocked by craters far more extreme than those on the side we see in the sky every night. One reason for this is obvious: as long as it has hung in the sky, the side pointing away from earth gets the brunt of any asteroids coming our way, like a bodyguard taking a bullet for the one under their protection. The earth returns the favor, acting as a shield for much of the space debris coming from our direction that would slam into the moon.

The moon is one-fourth the size of the earth but is big for a moon. Its mysterious backside has mountain ranges taller than the Himalayas. There are craters. Lots of craters. There are craters within craters within craters. Some are only an inch, and some go down a mile. There are craters so big the Grand Canyon could fit inside. One known crater is eighty-five miles wide and almost thirty thousand feet deep.

I find it extremely symbolic that the moon keeps the most damaged (and interesting) side out of sight like so many of us.

Mark Twain once said, “Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.”

The irony, of course, is that even though the dark side is where damage has happened, it is also where the highest heights are located. Highlands rise higher above the surface there than on the near side. And craters plunge low. Craters, after all, are just mountains in reverse.

The pockmarks and wounds we carry around inside and show to no one are not only where the most damage has happened; they are where our greatest potential strengths lie. As they say, the cracks are what let the light in.

Jesus gives us a brand-new way of looking at the dark sides we are tempted to keep hidden.

Jesus says,

  • “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.
  • “You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.
  • “You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.
  • “You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.
  • “You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘care-full,’ you find yourselves cared for.
  • “You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world. Matthew 5:3‭-‬8 MSG

Extreme situations can lead to deeper happiness and more profound joy. What makes us weird is also what makes us wonderful. Our quirks and curiosities are packed full of potential. Our pain can make us powerful. Extreme gratitude will be the result of learning to embrace—and trusting God to unleash—the hidden potential of the dark side of our moon.

It is exhausting, being sucked in and spinning around in every different situation and social media post to keep the dark side of our moon safely hidden and out of sight!

I’m not talking about putting Our best foot forward; I’m talking about that hidden, horrible secret carried for so long that forces us to be pretty sure there is something wrong with us.

I know this feeling personally. I’m no stranger to those deep regrets and pains. I too, like many others, was convinced that, if people saw the real me they wouldn’t want anything to do with me. So rather than being rejected, I just did my best to pretend everything was o.k. during those, all too familiar, haunting, nagging times.

But we don’t have to do that.

Our character’s craters, chasms, and canyons give texture and color and complexity that sparkle in our heavenly Father’s eyes.

As we look full in His wonderful face, I believe we will stop feeling the need to keep the comet-strewn darkness of our dark, shadow, shady side hidden from sight. Step into the light. Then, and only then, can we discover that God is not afraid of what is behind us.

He plans to address what is sinful, mend what is broken, and fill what is empty.

He has a plan to use all of us—not just the curated parts we currently feel comfortable letting the world see. He is all around us and already knows about the dark side of our moon.



God, thank you for loving us even with all our damaged parts. Thank you for giving us a future and a purpose.

We just finished day 1 of the @YouVersion plan ‘The Last Supper on the Moon’. Check out the full 5 days here:

God loves us, warts and all.