The Judge Paid The Fine

You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges ; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.
Philippians 2:5‭-‬8 NLT

In the story, “The Chief Physician” I wrote about a young lady who owed money and had to appear before a judge.  Here is an excerpt from that story:

The judge came in and removed his sports coat to put on his judges robe and stepped up on to this high aloft podium as he read out what Judy’s conviction was. His voice seemed to be like a loud boom that shook her whole body. Although she had already read the ticket and knew why she was there it was as if the judge had to bring back the nightmare and state it out loud, using her full name, JUDITH ANN MASTERS, much to her embarrassment. The only time she heard her full name was when she was scold as a child. This was a public announcement to everyone how bad of a person she was. Because of the nature of this crime (read the story to hear her crime) the judge informed her that she was to pay the fine of $200 or spend 30 days in jail. Judy gasped. She thought jail was an awful extreme punishment for such a crime. As bad as Judy thought things were going to be this proved to be even worse than what she had ever imagined. The judge continued to speak but Judy was lost in her own thoughts and questions of why other people who commit bigger crimes like murder or drug trafficking were not in her shoes right now. This is where they belong, not me, she thought. The judge raised his voice which snapped Judy out of her daydream and self-pity. She listened as the judge said, “Now young lady, you may not feel that what you did was wrong or that it justifies such a fine or time behind bars, however; you broke the law and I’m sure that as you grow older and more mature you will see that for every action there is a consequence.” Judy began to weep again and she said with a quivering voice, “But… your honor, I don’t have the money to pay and going to jail for that many days would cause me to lose my education and I’ll be dropped from my classes.” The judge said in reply to that, “ I’m sorry young lady but the law is the law and I am the judge and I cannot let your crime go by unpunished or your debt to go by unpaid.” Judy just stared down at the desk in front of her and cried and softly said, “I don’t know what to do can somebody help me?” Then she whispered, “God help me.” The judge stood to his feet almost in anger and his heavy footsteps came down off the podium. This confused Judy as he took off his judge’s robe and put back on his sports coat. Judy wasn’t sure how this worked. She thought that perhaps the judge was leaving for the day. She grew even more nervous as he began to approach her. The judge walked right over and stood next to her and reached in his coat pocket and pulled out $200 and laid it on the table in front of her. A few of her teardrops landed on the bills as she listens to the judge whispered in her ear, “Judy, please take this and use it wisely. You may use it for whatever cause you like. I’m laying it down and you may not even pick it up because I see you feel unworthy. You may feel that it doesn’t belong to you but I’m giving it to you and it’s yours I hope you will accept it.” Then the judge went back over to the coat rack, took off his sports coat and put his judge’s Robe back on. As soon as the judge sat down he said with a loud voice, “It appears someone paid your debt Judith. Would you like to use that gift toward your freedom from the fine and jail sentence?” Judy reached out and put her hands on top of the money. She saw the words, “In God We Trust”, printed on the bills and then she continued to cry said, “yes please, yes.”


I included that part of the story because I felt like that goes along with today’s Scripture so well, describing what Christ did for us.

He gave up his divine privileges ; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

Philippians 2:7‭-‬8 NLT

May God bless you & you, bless God.

In Christ, Beetle 


To read the full story go to 👉 The Chief Physician 

One thought on “The Judge Paid The Fine

  1. Pingback: “Don’t Judge Too Quickly” – tombeetlebailey

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