Prayer 2 ways

burning-bushSee prayer (2 way conversation) in Exodus 4:10-13. In a nut shell…

Moses, ” i am slow of speech.”
God, “I created your mouth, now go I will help you.”
Moses, “Lord, send someone else.”

The conversation does not end there but let’s chew on just that for a little bit, very little bit, we have a whole meal coming up.

My son gave his first sermon yesterday. Before being accepted to seminary school God is using some people to work with him and they are giving him opportunities to spread his wings.

I’ll be posting that sermon he gave on here with a video of it but for now let me just share in short what God said to me through HIS word, Moses and my very own son.

God meets us where we are; accepts us as we are and uses us for who we are but we have to say yes. We have freewill, if we chose not to decide we still have made a choice.

For this short devotional thought we can just stop here and ponder a few moments and consider this prayer time Moses had with His creator in Exodus 3:10-13 and think how God calls us personally.

Regardless if we are going on to seminary or not we are all mouthpieces, our bodies a “Temple” (Alexx’s post on this) and we will say so much without opening our mouth.

Our actions alone should proclaiming what His family is like. If we are truly in Him and He in us we will produce fruit and show characteristics to the world around us what God is like.

We can see a longer prayer time recorded starting in Exodus chapter 3 and going on throughout Moses’ life.

However, just stop with me for a few moments and just look at those few verse Ex. 3:10-13.

Let’s ask,

“Are we beating around the burning bush?!”

Video/music also in comment sectionburning-bush

4 thoughts on “Prayer 2 ways

  1. Pingback: STEPS (with a cain) – tombeetlebailey

  2. Pingback: Can’t Be What You Don’t Know – tombeetlebailey

  3. My son died in July of 2016. He left behind a lot of writing.

    In his blog you will find 2 devotional thoughts for each day starting a year before he died right up to a few days before he was “promoted to glory”.

    In the menu you will also find a book he was about to publish (“Psyper”) which we are still working on getting illustrated and published.

    Before he died one of his request was that we not let his writing die with him.

    Here is a link to his blog:
    “Pressing Words – The Spilling of a Lost & Found Mind”


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